How to cancel BankGiro Loterij?

Cancel BankGiro Loterij.
It only takes 1 minute!

Cancel BankGiro Loterij

This takes less than 1 minute!

Published: 04/12/2019 | Update: 04/09/2021

How to cancel BankGiro Loterij?

Many of us have fallen for it: buying lottery tickets from the BankGiro Loterij. If we don’t give in to the chat-up line thrown at us by the sales person, we fall for the €25.000 we’re guaranteed to win. It all seems too good to be true… and it is. You’ve committed for months, you’re not winning anything and your bank balance is dwindling. They’ve given you a free ticket and told you ‘to unsubscribe whenever you want’. But unsubscribing isn’t as easy as you thought. Lucky for you we’ve listed three ways to get rid of your BankGiro Loterij subscription.

Please note: Unfortunately, company websites are updated frequently and once in a while that is also the case for their cancellation policies. If you find the information below to be outdated, please contact us ([email protected]) and we will make sure to publish updated information on how to cancel this type of subscription. Thanks in advance!

How to unsubscribe from the BankGiro Loterij
  1. Written cancellation
  2. Calling BankGiro Loterij
  3. Cancelling BankGiro Loterij online
  4. Unsubscribing through Dyme

Option 1: Written cancellation

Keep in mind that you’ll need a stamp for a written cancellation and that it’s not a given that your letter will be processed quickly. Positive that you want to cancel your subscription by post? Follow the next steps.

  • State your name and address, your account number and your lottery numbers you want to get rid of in your cancellation letter
  • Sign the letter
  • Send the letter to the address below

BankGiro Loterij
t.a.v. Ledenservice
Beethovenstraat 200
1077 JZ Amsterdam

Bankgiro cancellation letter

Download Dyme to have all of your subscriptions in one clear overview and be able to cancel them with just one click!

Option 2: Calling BankGiro Loterij

You know the drill: phoning a customer service line. Before you know it you’ve been on the phone for an hour and haven’t even spoken to the BankGiro Loterij customer service. If you insist on calling the customer service line, they’re available between 9 and 9 Monday through Friday and from 10.00 to 16.00 on Saturday. Call them on 088-0201030.

Don’t feel like being put on hold? Option three is waiting for you.

BankGiro Loterij customer service contact

Option 3: Cancelling BankGiro Loterij online

Recently the BankGiro Loterij has added the option to cancel online to their website. It’s well hidden, but possible nonetheless. Click this link to go to the online cancellation form. Attention! You’ll need your lottery number (lotnumber). This number is comprised of the last five digits of your bankaccount, possibly with the addition of noughts, followed by a dash and two letters. Without this number, it’s not possible to cancel online. You’ll have to phone the customer service without it, or go to option 4.

Option 4: Unsubscribing through Dyme

Dyme helps you cancel all your unwanted subscriptions. By using Dyme you’ll be free from your BankGiroLoterij subscription in less than a minute. Other users have saved €530 a year by cancelling their subscriptions.

BankGiro Loterij online cancellation form

BankGiro Loterij appears on your statement as:

Februari 2020
BankGiro Loterij VIP Eft
BankGiroLoterij Filmmaand Kinepo via MultiSafepay
Herfsttrekking -AJ
Herfsttrekking -AM U steunt Noordbrabants Museum
- NAT. P Referentie: 20:03
NationalePostcodeLoterij via Adyen

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