How to cancel Amazon Prime (NL)

Cancel Amazon Prime.
It only takes 1 minute!

Published: 29/11/2019 | Update: 04/09/2021

How to cancel Amazon Prime (NL)

Amazon is an American e-commerce company that offers various services to its customers. In short, Amazon Prime is the ‘premium’ version of Amazon, offering exclusive Amazon services for a monthly membership price. An example of one of these services is Amazon Prime Video, a video streaming service comparable to Netflix, and it also means you don’t have to pay for shipping on your Amazon orders. Although you can create an Amazon Prime account within seconds, cancelling this membership isn’t as easy. In this article we explain how you can cancel your membership in 9 easy steps.

Please note: Unfortunately, company websites are updated frequently and once in a while that is also the case for their cancellation policies. If you find the information below to be outdated, please contact us ([email protected]) and we will make sure to publish updated information on how to cancel this type of subscription. Thanks in advance!

Cancelling your Amazon Prime membership in 9 easy steps
  1. Go to the Amazon website
  2. Click on “Sign in”
  3. Log in
  4. Click on “Your Account”
  5. Go to the Prime management page
  6. Click on “End Trial and Benefits”
  7. Click on “End My Benefits”
  8. Click on “Continue to Cancel”
  9. Click on “Cancel Membership”

To research how hard it is to cancel your membership, I made an Amazon Prime account to subsequently cancel it. It was one of the hardest cancellation processes I’ve been through, but eventually I was able to cancel my membership. This article explains step-by-step how to cancel your Amazon Prime membership, to save you the time that I spent on my quest to cancellation.

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Step 1: Go to the Amazon homepage

Go to the Amazon website or search “Amazon” on google and click on the first URL.

Amazon homepage

Step 2: Log in on the Amazon website

Click on “Hello, Sign in” and then on “Sign in” to log in to the account you want to cancel

Amazon login

Step 3: Log in with the correct account information

Now you will be sent to the login page. Fill the correct account information in to continue onto the next step.

Amazon sign in page

Step 4: Go to your account settings

Now that you’ve logged in we can start cancelling your subscription. Hold your cursor over “Account & lists” to get an overview of your account, then click on “Your Account” to go to your account page.

Amazon your account list

Step 5: Go to your Prime management page

Now that you’re on your account page, click on “Prime” to manage your Prime account.

Amazon prime benefits and payment settings

Step 6: Cancel your Amazon Prime account

In the bottom left corner of your Prime management page there is an option to end your Amazon Prime “Benefits”, essentially this means cancelling your monthly Amazon Prime subscription. Click this option.

Amazon membership management

Amazon end my trial button

Step 7: Click on “End My Benefits”

Amazon end my benefits button

Step 8: Click on “Continue to Cancel”

Continue button amazon

Step 9: Click on “Cancel Membership”

Cancel amazon membership

Congratulations, you have now officially cancelled your Amazon Prime membership! If everything works as it should, your membership should end at the end of the month.

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