How to cancel Sanoma

Cancel Sanoma.
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Cancel Sanoma

This takes less than 1 minute!

Published: 05/12/2019 | Update: 04/09/2021

How to cancel Sanoma

Sanoma is a publishing house in The Netherlands. Sanoma Nederland is part of a publishing house in Finland and publishes several magazines, including “Donald Duck”, “Veronica Magazine”, “Libelle”, “Autoweek”, “vtwonen” and many more. At first glance these magazines don’t seem very expensive, but a “Donald Duck” subscription can easily cost €170 a year. Add a Libelle subscription for mum and an Autoweek subscription for dad (or vice versa) and you’re already spending over €500 per year. €500 worth of magazines for a family of 3…Do you want to save money? Then start here.

Please note: Unfortunately, company websites are updated frequently and once in a while that is also the case for their cancellation policies. If you find the information below to be outdated, please contact us ([email protected]) and we will make sure to publish updated information on how to cancel this type of subscription. Thanks in advance!

Cancelling Sanoma in a nutshell
  1. Go to the Sanoma website
  2. Click “I’d like to ask about subscriptions and products”
  3. Click “abonnement opzeggen”
  4. Call Sanoma customer service at 0885500250

How do I cancel my Sanoma subscription?

Cancelling your subscription at Sanoma is quite simple.

Step 1: First, go to the website of Sanoma

Step 2: Click “I’d like to ask about subscriptions and products”

sanoma homepage

Step 3: Click “abonnement opzeggen”

cancel sanoma

Step 4: Call Sanoma customer service

sanoma customer service

Download Dyme to have all of your subscriptions in one clear overview and be able to cancel them with just one click!

Cancelling with Dyme

With the Dyme cancellation service you can, for example, cancel your Libelle subscription in 1 minute. This means you can save hundreds of euros a year.

Notice periods for magazines

When you sign up for a subscription, with automatic renewal, your subscription will be automatically converted into a subscription for an indefinite period of time. If you want to cancel your subscription, there is a one month notice period.

Sanoma appears on your statement as:

Sanoma Digital the Netherlands BV
Sanoma Media Netherlands BV
Sanoma Media Netherlands B.V. Referentie: 22:18

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