How to cancel Pretium Telecom?

Cancel Pretium Telecom.
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Cancel Pretium Telecom

This takes less than 1 minute!

Published: 11/12/2019 | Update: 04/09/2021

How to cancel Pretium Telecom?

Pretium is the sole provider that only offers a landline plan. Nowadays, consumers prefer to take out an all-in-1 subscription for their internet, mobile phone plan and landline. This is why more and more Pretium users are cancelling their subscription. Are you subscribed to Pretium Telecom and wanting to cancel? Then read this article to find out how you can easily do so.

Please note: Unfortunately, company websites are updated frequently and once in a while that is also the case for their cancellation policies. If you find the information below to be outdated, please contact us ([email protected]) and we will make sure to publish updated information on how to cancel this type of subscription. Thanks in advance!

The two ways to cancel Pretium
  1. Cancel via post
  2. Cancel via Dyme

You can only cancel via post

According to the Pretium website you can only cancel in writing. Via post you can also contact Pretium Telecom. Send your cancellation letter to the following address:

Postbus 6128
2001 HC Haarlem

Within a few days you will receive a written confirmation from Pretium in which you will be informed about the further proceedings and transfer of your subscription.

Cancel via Dyme

If you aren’t sure how to draft a cancellation letter, you can find an example of a cancellation letter for Pretium here. Dyme is here to help you cancel all of your subscriptions. Don’t want to put in the effort? No problem! With Dyme you can get rid of all of your unwanted subscriptions within the minute. Fill in your details and we’ll take care of the rest.

What is Pretium?

Pretium BV is the largest landline provider in The Netherlands. Apart from home calls, Pretium also offered a privilege subscription, which costs about €65 a year and has nothing to do with making a phone call. Mijnprivilege.nl is a website that enables you win discounts and other prizes. So Pretium users were often given a subscription that they probably didn’t want. Moreover, cancelling your Pretium privilege subscription isn’t as easy as 1-2-3.

Download Dyme to have all of your subscriptions in one clear overview and be able to cancel them with just one click!

Landline calls

Using landlines is a way of communication that is slowly becoming extinct. Now that almost everyone has a mobile phone, landlines are becoming redundant. That is why more and more consumers are choosing to cancel their landline plans.

Pretium telephone number

You can reach the Pretium customer service via telephone by calling 0900 - 1637 000 (no additional charges apply), available from Monday through Friday between 8:30 and 17:00 o’clock. Keep in mind, however, that you might be put on hold for a long time.

Pretium cancellation period

Normally, the Pretium subscriptions are for an indefinite period, with a cancellation period of a month. However, there are some offers with a fixed agreed term of, for example, a year. In which case you will be stuck with your subscription for a year and can only cancel monthly after the year has passed.

Mijn Pretium

Mijn Pretium website

On the website of Pretium click “Mijn Pretium” to see your personal details and settings.

Have you heard about our app? The Dyme app gives you a complete overview of your finances, so you are always in control of your money. Our smart technology generates overviews of your income and expenses automatically, so you do not have to waste your time doing it manually. We will also help you save money. The average Dyme user currently saves €800 per year on their recurring expenses! Want to know how much you could save?