How to cancel Apple Music

Cancel Apple Music.
It only takes 1 minute!

Published: 25/03/2020 | Update: 04/09/2021

How to cancel Apple Music

Do you have an Apple Music subscription but you’re not satisfied? With the current range of streaming services available, it’s possible that you’ve found another streaming platform that better fits your needs. In this article we’ll explain how you can cancel your Apple Music subscription.

Please note: Unfortunately, company websites are updated frequently and once in a while that is also the case for their cancellation policies. If you find the information below to be outdated, please contact us ([email protected]) and we will make sure to publish updated information on how to cancel this type of subscription. Thanks in advance!

Cancel Apple Music

Do you want to cancel your Apple Music subscription? We’re here to help. Be aware that as soon as you’ve cancelled your Apple Music subscription, your playlists will be deleted! So be sure to write down your favourite songs before cancelling your Apple subscription.

Easily cancel Apple Music? Download Dyme and see all your subscriptions in one overview, and cancel them with the press of a button.

Cancel Apple Music on iPhone

  1. Open the Music app and then go to the “For You” page
  2. Click on your profile picture or avatar to go to your account
  3. At the bottom of your account page you can click on “View Apple ID”
  4. Once you’ve logged in, go down and click on subscriptions
  5. Here you can cancel your (trial) subscription.

Cancel Apple Music via iTunes

  1. Open iTunes and go to “Account” followed by “Show My Account”
  2. Scroll down until you see your subscriptions and click on “Manage”
  3. Now you’re on your subscriptions page where you can cancel your subscription

Cancel Apple Music on your MacBook

  1. Open the App Store
  2. Click on Log-In
  3. Click on “View Information”
  4. Go down and click on “Subscriptions”
  5. Then click on “Manage”

Cancel Apple Music with Android

  1. Open the Apple Music app on your Android or Chromebook
  2. Click on the Menu button
  3. Click on “Account” and then on “Manage Account”
  4. This is where you can cancel your subscription
cancel Apple Music

Cancel Apple Music with Dyme

Do you want to cancel your Apple Music subscription without any hassle? Then use the cancellation service from Dyme. With the 100% cancellation guarantee you can be certain that your subscription will be cancelled!

About Apple Music

Apple Music is a streaming service that was founded by Apple in 2015. Apple Music allows you to listen to music via the internet. With the creation of Apple Music, Apple has become a major competitor of Spotify. Apple Music isn’t just for Apple systems, but can also be installed by Android users. Apple Music offers various subscription possibilities: a monthly subscription, a yearly subscription, a family subscription, and a student subscription.

Tidal vs Apple Music

Tidal is another streaming service that (along with Apple Music) was founded in 2015 by Jay-Z. The aim of this service was to give artists fair pay and to give a platform to up-and-coming artists. It has a large hip-hop music collection and is beautifully designed. Apple Music is the most popular of the two and also has a large collection, but it offers all sorts of music styles. They also give good suggestions for new music. Additionally, Apple Music is well integrated with the Apple operating system. Ultimately, both are great services and which one suits you best comes down to personal preference.

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