Cancel Yellowbrick within 1 minute with Dyme

Sit back while we fix it for you.
50,000 people have already preceded you

Cancel Yellowbrick now
Cancel Yellowbrick within 1 minute with Dyme

Cancelling Yellowbrick with Dyme
How it works:

We’ll send a registered letter on your behalf. You know: the kind that always arrives
We'll call Yellowbrick if they are being difficult about it
Lean back and relax. Dyme will take care of your cancellation

No more stress

You don't have to hang on the phone for hours. Stressing whether your cancellation will arrive in due time. Even better: you can sit back and relax while we work for you. Or go swimming, do yoga or play mini-golf, we'll fix your cancellation. Save hundreds of euros by not paying another penny for something you don't use.

Cancel Yellowbrick now

We frequently cancel subscriptions

We have already helped 50,000 people to get rid of their subscriptions. They are over the moon with this. Martijn for example says:
"Thanks to Dyme I could easily save money on subscriptions that were superfluous." You’re very welcome, Martijn!

Cancel Yellowbrick now
R. has sent a cancellation letter
p. has sent a cancellation letter
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S. has sent a cancellation letter
S. has sent a cancellation letter
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B. has sent a cancellation letter
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R. has sent a cancellation letter
R. has sent a cancellation letter
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S. has sent a cancellation letter
S. has sent a cancellation letter
J. has sent a cancellation letter
S. has sent a cancellation letter
D. has sent a cancellation letter
D. has sent a cancellation letter

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have a 100% cancellation guarantee?
How does Dyme earn money?
How long does a cancellation take?

Cancel Yellowbrick with Dyme

Fill in the form below and we will cancel your Yellowbrick subscription. We automatically generate an online cancellation letter and send it to Yellowbrick with 100% cancellation guarantee.

Want to stop your Yellowbrick membership? Cancel it online. Fill in the form below and we will cancel your membership for you.

How does Yellowbrick work?

Yellowbrick is an app you use when paying for parking in the Netherlands. When using Yellowbrick, a small percentage of your parking costs is for Yellowbrick. You can decide to pay these costs through a subscription service or per transaction. Below we’ve listed the Yellowbrick costs.

Yellowbrick costs

There are 3 subscription versions:

  • Flex: you pay 10% of the transaction costs over the amount needed to pay for parking. These costs vary between a minimum of €0,15 and a maximum of €0,50.
  • Basic: Transaction costs are always €0,34.
  • Unlimited: You pay €0,75 a week to park an unlimited amount of times.

Mijn Yellowbrick

To use ‘My Yellowbrick’ you’ll have to login on the app. The My Yellowbrick online area offers functions such as altering personal details, ordering parking tickets and viewing your parking transactions.

Yellowbrick & ANWB

Yellowbrick collaborates with the Dutch road assistance ANWB. ANWB members receive a member discount and can register for free.

Contacting Yellowbrick

You can easily contact the Yellowbrick helpdesk through Facebook, Twitter or Whatsapp on 06 13 68 97 81. They also have a customer service that you can reach on 0900 2006999. Prefer to write? We’ve added the postal address below:

Yellowbrick B.V.
H.J.E. Wenckebachweg 80
1114 AD Amsterdam-Duivendrecht

How can I cancel my Yellowbrick subscription?

You can cancel your subscription on your own, but we can also save you a lot of time and effort. Dyme will gladly cancel for you and we’ll do this with a 100% cancellation guarantee. This means no hassle on your side and all the security that your subscription has been cancelled.

Yellowbrick appears on your statement as: