Cancel Wereld Natuur Fonds within 1 minute with Dyme

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Cancel Wereld Natuur Fonds within 1 minute with Dyme

Cancelling Wereld Natuur Fonds with Dyme
How it works:

We’ll send a registered letter on your behalf. You know: the kind that always arrives
We'll call Wereld Natuur Fonds if they are being difficult about it
Lean back and relax. Dyme will take care of your cancellation

No more stress

You don't have to hang on the phone for hours. Stressing whether your cancellation will arrive in due time. Even better: you can sit back and relax while we work for you. Or go swimming, do yoga or play mini-golf, we'll fix your cancellation. Save hundreds of euros by not paying another penny for something you don't use.

Cancel Wereld Natuur Fonds now

We frequently cancel subscriptions

We have already helped 50,000 people to get rid of their subscriptions. They are over the moon with this. Martijn for example says:
"Thanks to Dyme I could easily save money on subscriptions that were superfluous." You’re very welcome, Martijn!

Cancel Wereld Natuur Fonds now
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G. has sent a cancellation letter
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A. has sent a cancellation letter
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R. has sent a cancellation letter
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have a 100% cancellation guarantee?
How does Dyme earn money?
How long does a cancellation take?

Cancel World Wildlife Fund (WWF/WNF) through Dyme

Sometimes you cannot help all charities. If you want to cancel your membership it is easily done with the Dyme service. We help you cancel your subscription with a 100% cancellation guarantee.

Want to stop your Wereld Natuur Fonds membership? Cancel it online. Fill in the form below and we will cancel your membership for you.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Wereld Natuurfonds (WNF)

“Our mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.” This statement can be found on the World Wildlife Fund website. According to the WWF, life on Earth and its diversity is under threat, a threat mainly caused by humans. Which is tragic. However this also offers opportunities for change. Because if we’re the ones causing the problems, we can also solve them.

The Wereld Natuurfonds is the Dutch branch of the WWF. And their mission is to solve these problems. The WNF, with the endangered panda as their logo, is a network of conservationists, citizens, governments, companies, donors and volunteers who have joined forces to protect nature. They currently have more than three thousand ongoing projects, 606,000 donators, 3,300 volunteers and 380,000 followers on social media. If you want to get started as a volunteer, the WNF has plenty of open vacancies.

What does the WNF do?

The WNF is active in Australia to, for example, limit the damage caused by the forest fires. Search and rescue dogs are being used to search for animals that have survived the fires so the WNF can rescue them. There are also campaigns to protect the tiger. The WNF is lobbying governments for more nature parks where tigers can live safely.

The WNF has had some bad press. In 2019, a study was published that found that the WNF collaborates with paramilitary organisations in several places to protect nature parks. These organisations have been found guilty of assault and even murder. In many places, the protection of nature seems to be more important than human rights.

WNF Ranger

Nevertheless, the WFF, of which the WNF is the Dutch counterpart, is one of the biggest nature conservation organisations in the world with offices in more than sixty countries. They operate mainly through donations. The WNF offers the possibility to donate directly to a certain project and allows you to determine the amount you want to donate. Of course, you can also become a monthly contributor. The WNF suggests you donate at least 5 euros every month but donating less is an option!

Children between the ages of 3 and 17 are eligible to become WNF Rangers. In exchange for a donation, children will receive all kinds of merchandise that will transform them into a WNF Ranger.

Do you want to cancel your monthly Wereld Natuurfonds donation? Dyme can help you cancel your subscription in just a few minutes! We’ll do this with a 100% cancellation guarantee.

Wereld Natuur Fonds appears on your statement as:

ADMNR MEI p.maand 2020 Hartelijk dank voor uw steun. WNF-Rangers Tweens
ADMNR NOV p.maand 2019 Hartelijk dank voor uw gift aan WNF.
ADMNR AUG p.maand 2020 Dank voor uw structurele steun Wereld Natuur Fonds - Zeist
Wereld Natuur Fonds