Cancel The AA within 1 minute with Dyme

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50,000 people have already preceded you

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Cancel The AA within 1 minute with Dyme

Cancelling The AA with Dyme
How it works:

We’ll send a registered letter on your behalf. You know: the kind that always arrives
We'll call The AA if they are being difficult about it
Lean back and relax. Dyme will take care of your cancellation

No more stress

You don't have to hang on the phone for hours. Stressing whether your cancellation will arrive in due time. Even better: you can sit back and relax while we work for you. Or go swimming, do yoga or play mini-golf, we'll fix your cancellation. Save hundreds of euros by not paying another penny for something you don't use.

Cancel The AA now

We frequently cancel subscriptions

We have already helped 50,000 people to get rid of their subscriptions. They are over the moon with this. Martijn for example says:
"Thanks to Dyme I could easily save money on subscriptions that were superfluous." You’re very welcome, Martijn!

Cancel The AA now
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L. has sent a cancellation letter
L. has sent a cancellation letter
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S. has sent a cancellation letter
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R. has sent a cancellation letter
R. has sent a cancellation letter
J. has sent a cancellation letter
J. has sent a cancellation letter
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have a 100% cancellation guarantee?
How does Dyme earn money?
How long does a cancellation take?

Cancel your AA membership

The AA provides a comprehensive range of breakdown cover services, including emergency roadside assistance, home start cover, and onward travel cover. They also offer a range of optional extras, such as a European breakdown cover and cover for vehicle repairs.

Want to stop your The AA membership? Cancel it online. Fill in the form below and we will cancel your membership for you.

Cancel AA with Dyme

Are you a member of AA but would you like to cancel this subscription? Because you don't use it enough. Or because you're not satisfied with the service? Or maybe you think the subscription is too expensive and you'd rather spend your money on something else.

Don't feel like canceling your AA subscription yourself? Quite understandable. Let Dyme do it for you! All you have to do is fill in the AA online cancellation form and we will do the rest. This way, you can get rid of your AA membership in one minute, without any effort, time or stress.

Moreover, we have a 100% cancellation guarantee: if we are unable to cancel your subscription, we will refund your money.

AA cancelation conditions

Here's what you need to know about the cancelation conditions of AA car rescue memberships:

  • If you cancel your membership within the first 30 days, you will not be refunded any portion of your membership fee.
  • If you cancel your membership after the first 30 days, you will be refunded a pro-rated portion of your membership fee, based on how many months of coverage you have remaining.
  • If you cancel your membership for any reason other than non-payment, you will be charged a $50 cancelation fee.
  • If you cancel your membership due to non-payment, you will be charged a $100 reinstatement fee if you wish to reactivate your membership at a later date.
  • If you have an annual membership, and you cancel your membership before the end of your term, you will not be refunded any portion of your membership fee.
  • If you have a monthly membership, and you cancel your membership before the end of your term, you will be refunded a pro-rated portion of your membership fee, based on how many months of coverage you have remaining.
  • If you have a prepaid membership, and you cancel your membership before the end of your term, you will be refunded a pro-rated portion of your membership fee, based on how many months of coverage you have remaining.
  • If you are canceling your membership due to moving to a location that is not covered by the AA, you will be refunded a pro-rated portion of your membership fee, based on how many months of coverage you have remaining.
  • If you are canceling your membership for any other reason, you will not be refunded any portion of your membership fee.
  • Remember to keep your account open until you receive confirmation that your cancellation has been processed.

What are the costs of AA membership?

Here is a breakdown of the different types of memberships:

1.      Standard AA membership

This type of membership provides 24/7 roadside assistance and recovery services. It also includes access to a range of member benefits, such as discounts on fuel, car hire, and hotels.

2.      Premium AA membership

This type of membership includes all the benefits of a standard membership, plus additional perks such as free legal advice and cover for lost keys.

3.      Corporate AA membership

This type of membership is designed for businesses with a fleet of vehicles. It includes all the benefits of a standard membership, plus additional discounts and services.

4.      International AA membership

This type of membership is designed for drivers who frequently travel outside of the UK. It includes all the benefits of a standard membership, plus additional cover for European breakdowns.

5.      Pay as you go AA membership

This type of membership is ideal for drivers who only require occasional use of AA services. It allows you to pay for the services you use when you use them.

  • There are a number of different membership options available from AA car rescue, all of which offer different levels of cover. The most comprehensive level of cover is the Gold package, which offers 24/7 roadside assistance and recovery anywhere in the UK. The cost of this package is £84.99 per year.
  • The next level down is the Silver package, which offers roadside assistance and recovery during daytime hours only (Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm). The cost of this package is £49.99 per year.
  • The most basic level of cover is the Bronze package, which only offers emergency roadside assistance in the event of a breakdown. The cost of this package is £29.99 per year.
  • There are also a number of optional extras that can be added to any AA car rescue membership, such as cover for misfuelling, punctures, and flat batteries.

FAQs about AA

1. What is the best breakdown cover in the UK?

There is no single best breakdown cover provider in the UK. However, the AA has been voted the UK's number two breakdown cover provider by readers of Autoexpress. They have also been rated five stars by Defaqto, an independent financial research company.

2. Does breakdown cover include windscreen?

No, the standard AA membership does not include a windscreen cover. However, you can add it as an optional extra for an additional fee. Alternatively, you could consider taking out a standalone windscreen insurance policy.

3. Does my AA cover me in any car?

Yes, your AA membership covers you in any car you drive, as long as you are the named driver on the insurance. If you're a passenger in someone else's car and they have an accident, you're also covered.

4. Does AA coverage start immediately?

Yes, your AA coverage starts immediately.