You don't have to hang on the phone for hours. Stressing whether your cancellation will arrive in due time. Even better: you can sit back and relax while we work for you. Or go swimming, do yoga or play mini-golf, we'll fix your cancellation. Save hundreds of euros by not paying another penny for something you don't use.
Cancel Studeersnel within 1 minute with Dyme
Sit back while we fix it for you.
50,000 people have already preceded you

Cancelling Studeersnel with Dyme
How it works:

We frequently cancel subscriptions
We have already helped 50,000 people to get rid of their subscriptions. They are over the moon with this. Martijn for example says:
"Thanks to Dyme I could easily save money on subscriptions that were superfluous." You’re very welcome, Martijn!
Cancel Studeersnel with Dyme
Fill in the form below and we will cancel your Studeernsnel subscription. We automatically generate an online cancellation letter and send it to Studeersnel with 100% cancellation guarantee.
Want to stop your Studeersnel membership? Cancel it online. Fill in the form below and we will cancel your membership for you.
About Studeersnel is a website that allows students to share their study documents. As a student, you can find free documents that can help you study, but if you really want to get an A, you’ll have to pay. By taking out a subscription, you can access all the documents on the website. You can take out a yearly or a quarterly subscription. This means there’s no monthly notice period. If you’ve taken out a Studeersnel contract for one year, you’ll pay € 2,99 per month for a year. After this year you’ll be able to cancel your subscription on a monthly basis. If you do not cancel, your subscription will be tacitly renewed.
A year subscription to Studeersnel costs you € 36 per year.
Lots of students forget what companies and services they’ve taken subscriptions out with. Joho summaries, Studeersnel, Slimstuderen: at one point you can’t see the forest for the trees. And then a small amount per month is easily forgotten about. There are few students who keep a close eye on their bank statements, so they often continue to pay for subscriptions they no longer use. At Dyme, we think that’s a shame! Which is why we want to help you save money on subscriptions you no longer use.
See which other subscriptions you’ve signed up for with our app!
By using the Dyme app you can see exactly what you’ve subscribed to.This means, you avoid paying for subscriptions you no longer use. So that you can pay off your student debts a little faster and start saving money!