Cancel Playboy within 1 minute with Dyme

Sit back while we fix it for you.
50,000 people have already preceded you

Cancel Playboy now
Cancel Playboy within 1 minute with Dyme

Cancelling Playboy with Dyme
How it works:

We’ll send a registered letter on your behalf. You know: the kind that always arrives
We'll call Playboy if they are being difficult about it
Lean back and relax. Dyme will take care of your cancellation

No more stress

You don't have to hang on the phone for hours. Stressing whether your cancellation will arrive in due time. Even better: you can sit back and relax while we work for you. Or go swimming, do yoga or play mini-golf, we'll fix your cancellation. Save hundreds of euros by not paying another penny for something you don't use.

Cancel Playboy now

We frequently cancel subscriptions

We have already helped 50,000 people to get rid of their subscriptions. They are over the moon with this. Martijn for example says:
"Thanks to Dyme I could easily save money on subscriptions that were superfluous." You’re very welcome, Martijn!

Cancel Playboy now
J. has sent a cancellation letter
S. has sent a cancellation letter
L. has sent a cancellation letter
L. has sent a cancellation letter
J. has sent a cancellation letter
J. has sent a cancellation letter
m. has sent a cancellation letter
B. has sent a cancellation letter
R. has sent a cancellation letter
S. has sent a cancellation letter
S. has sent a cancellation letter
S. has sent a cancellation letter
K. has sent a cancellation letter
O. has sent a cancellation letter
O. has sent a cancellation letter
O. has sent a cancellation letter
E. has sent a cancellation letter
L. has sent a cancellation letter
K. has sent a cancellation letter
P. has sent a cancellation letter

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have a 100% cancellation guarantee?
How does Dyme earn money?
How long does a cancellation take?

Cancel Playboy with Dyme

Fill in the form below and we will cancel your Playboy subscription. We automatically generate an online cancellation letter and send it to Playboy with 100% cancellation guarantee.

Want to stop your Playboy membership? Cancel it online. Fill in the form below and we will cancel your membership for you.

We all know about Playboy

We’ve all heard of the famous Playboy bunnies and the iconic bunny logo too. This magazine has been brought out since 1953. The magazine, idea of Hugh Hefner, was part of the sexual revolution and is known for the celebrities who (literally) bare all. Famous Dutchies that have graced the covers include:

  • Rosanna Voorwald (Playboy 2017)
  • Britt Dekker (Playboy 2011)
  • Georgina Verbaan (Playboy 2004)
  • Katja Schuurman (Playboy 2002)
  • Bridget Maasland (Playboy 2006)
  • Nicolette Kluijver (Playboy 2010)
  • Lieke van Lexmond (Playboy 2007)

And the list goes on and on. Apart from the photoshoots, the magazine also includes a lot more. Playboy now also includes Playboy TV, Playboy Plus and a magazine for women, the Playgirl. Apart from erotic pictures, the magazine is filled with many articles and a lot of adverts. Which might be why you’d like to cancel your subscription. You haven’t ended up on this page for no reason! After their heydays the magazine is read less and less frequently and many subscribers to Playboy Nederland decide to cancel their subscription.

Cancelling Playboy through Dyme

Have you had enough of your Playboy subscription , but don’t know how to get rid of your subscription (or don’t feel like finding out?) Whatever the reason may be, Dyme will cancel your subscription in less than a minute. For a small charge we’ll send a cancellation letter for you and your subscription will be cancelled with a 100% cancellation guarantee.