You don't have to hang on the phone for hours. Stressing whether your cancellation will arrive in due time. Even better: you can sit back and relax while we work for you. Or go swimming, do yoga or play mini-golf, we'll fix your cancellation. Save hundreds of euros by not paying another penny for something you don't use.
Cancel Graze within 1 minute with Dyme
Sit back while we fix it for you.
50,000 people have already preceded you

Cancelling Graze with Dyme
How it works:

We frequently cancel subscriptions
We have already helped 50,000 people to get rid of their subscriptions. They are over the moon with this. Martijn for example says:
"Thanks to Dyme I could easily save money on subscriptions that were superfluous." You’re very welcome, Martijn!
Cancel your Graze membership
Subscription boxes are known for recurrent delivery of perishable, semi-perishable, or niche product distribution. Such service is provided by Graze and it targets a huge range of customers to cater to snacking items. In these kinds of platforms, cancellation might be a challenge. Thus, this article is all that you need to know about cancellations related to Graze and how to cancel graze.
Want to stop your Graze membership? Cancel it online. Fill in the form below and we will cancel your membership for you.
What is Graze?
Graze is a UK-based food distributor and food manufacturer who offers snack items. This snack company has its ownership under Unilever. Graze provides 200 plus healthy snack combinations via online shops, retailers, and subscription boxes. Each day this company distributes around thousand snack boxes in the UK.
Graze was founded in the year 2008 and it has expanded its operations in the United States in the year 2013 and launched its snacks in the US retails in the year 2016.
Graze is known for customizing snack boxes that are based on the subscriber's preferences. They use a special algorithm known as Decision Algorithm Rating What Ingredient is Next (DARWIN) and develops their own recipes which do not contain any artificial flavors, colors, trans fats, high fructose content, or ingredients that are genetically engineered. A huge variety of boxes offers four to eight snacks that are delivered monthly, biweekly, or weekly.
Cancel Graze with Dyme
Are you a member of Graze but would you like to cancel this subscription? Because you don't use it enough. Or because you're not satisfied with the service? Or maybe you think the subscription is too expensive and you'd rather spend your money on something else. Don't feel like canceling your Graze subscription yourself? Quite understandable. Let Dyme do it for you! All you have to do is fill in the Graze online cancellation form and we will do the rest. This way, you can get rid of your Graze membership in one minute, without any effort, time or stress. Moreover, we have a 100% cancellation guarantee: if we are unable to cancel your subscription, we will refund your money.
Graze cancellation conditions
- If you are disappointed or dissatisfied with their product.
- If there is a faulty/leaking product or packaging.
- Delayed delivery (beyond the committed date).
- You can also cancel your purchase any time prior to the time of cut-off (expected delivery day).
- If there is any breach of the terms and conditions mentioned on their page.
Note: the cut-off times might change on bank holidays. If you want to make changes or cancel your upcoming order of a box then you should complete the cancellation process at least one week in advance.
Canceling an order (if you only have one set of subscriptions) will entirely cancel the recurring delivery. Hence, no further boxes will be sent to you. And if you are having two or more subscription orders, you will have to repeat this method for each of your orders.
Graze prepare the snack boxes a few days in advance of their due date of delivery. So if the preparation of the next snack box is already on its way when you are canceling the recurring order, then this final snack box will get delivered.
Graze has their cut-off times mentioned on their website for canceling your orders.
FAQs about Graze
1. How do I cancel deliveries of my subscription?
- You will be able to cancel the subscription of delivery from the page of orders.
- You can cancel the subscription by visiting the "my graze" page after scrolling down to the option "my boxes".
- You need to select the option "manage my box" and it will depend on which order you want to cancel.
- Next, choose the option "cancel this box".
- You should ensure that you click all the subsequent options till you see the confirmation of the cancellation of your order.
2. How do I cancel or close my Graze account myself?
- You can either delete or close your account by email or by visiting their website. This is immediate and entirely free of cost.
- Open your registered email account. Next, enter the email address [email protected] and compose a mail and also mention the email subject as ‘deleting/closing my account request'.
- OR, just visit the page of orders and log in.
3. How do I contact Graze?
- Visit the Graze page and select ‘Graze help' followed by ‘submit a request'
- A form will open up where you can register your personal details, your delivery address, and the reason for communication. You can also put any attachments if you need to.
- Lastly, click on ‘submit'. Your request will be responded to by Graze's customer support.
- You can directly call or mail their toll-free customer support contact number or email address.
4. How do I get a refund on Graze?
- Payment can take up to six hours prior to the last order date and time. If you cancel your order during this mentioned time period then Graze will automatically refund your money.